Friday, April 8, 2011

Guest Speaker: Steve from Taxi

Steve started off at Organic - flash animator for two years
then moved to Y&R - two years
and now ended up at TAXI

His advice for us to surviving in this industry

1. Remember all your guest speakers - the industry is small, keep in contact

2. Know your companies - always do your research before you go anywhere
    Type of work
    Organic - banners, websites, flash all the time (strictly web)
    Y&R - A lot about dollars, less creativity. Clients don't allow too much freedom
    TAXI - crazy creative shop, being different, work you to the bone.

    Know your clients. Every company has a few major clients that pay the bills.
    Whether you like to drive downtown, commute to work up to you.

3. Beware the Boss
Depending on the boss, if they are a writer, they may not pay so much attention to the design

4. Find a mentor
- his mentor helped him grow
- he was his friend, was there to back you up
- he got a writing partner at Y&R - gives him a lot of advice
- they can help guide your path
- remember to return the favour and help someone else

5. Speak up
- make your passions known
- if you see an opportunity, jump at it
- if you see a project that intrigues you, jump at it

6. Never take shotgun
- control your career
- started out as a flash animator at Organic. received PSD files and applied flash. Realized that he liked designing from scratch. Let his supervisor know and started going a different direction.
- There's always a chance to go where you want to go, just let people know

7. Tweet
- it's always important to be up to date
- the industry is always changing
- follow things on twitter if you can't keep up to date all the time

8. If you learn, they will pay
- google some interests and ask to go
- great places to learn
- companies will pay if you are willing to learn

9. Drink beer
- the industry is small
- you're going to be building friendships with partners, copywriter, and art directors
- stay in touch with people
- go out and have fun when you can
- the social chunk of advertising is a lot of fun

10. Don't take yourself too seriously
- where ever you end up, it's not the end of the world if you don't like it
- don't take it too seriously or else you won't like it and you won't have fun

11. Be passionate and have fun
- If you're not passionate about your work, why are you doing it
- passion will get you through
- can't learn everything
- someone in the industry will always know something more than you

Things that have helped Steve along the way
1. inspiration folder
2. mashable
3. thefwa
4. creativity-online
5. engadget
6. youtube
7. bannerblog
8. noupe
9. linkedin
10. twitter
11. facebook

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