Thursday, February 24, 2011

Catherine Baird from Dashboard

Catherine's background
Sheridan graduate in 2001
Associate Creative Director at Dashboard
- worked at EcentricArts as a designer after grad
- went to Henderson Bas as a senior designer after
    - became an art director there
    - manage the entire team (9 designers and 3 flash developers)
    - elevated to an Associate Creative Director
    - started to learn how to manage people, manage clients
- Moved to France (got 4 interviews and was hired in 3 weeks)
    - worked at 5emegauche as Sr. art director
    - company had about 30 people
    - stayed for 6 months
- Came back to Canada and was offered a job at DraftFCB as senior art director
- Went on to Dashboard as Associated Creative Director
- Shared her final project - showcase flash skills and wicked design that can impress someone

Some of her advice when she first stepped into the industry
- after you grad you may start off as a junior designer and junior art director
- supporting the intermediate art director or a senior art director

the difference between traditional and digital design
website is a massive thing - lots of content, pages (you need a task force)
    - biggest mistake is not completing all the design and letting the developer create the entire website

Dashboard is a digital engagement agency

- moving into traditional, animation, illustration - constantly changing
- this industry is ever changing - facebook, youtube
- about engaging people from offline to online

Dashboard's new website design

YOU (top 5 secrets to getting infront of an art director)
1. be prepared - have all your work ready to show
    - make it easy for people to see your work
    - 6 page pdf including resume
    - link it to online portfolio
2. do something unusual
    - don't be boring
    - show your creativity
    - make a video
3. follow up and don't write long e-mails
    - CD are busy, don't be discouraged so send some gentle reminders
    - if you stalk someone, you're not going to get a job
    - if you're e-mail is too long, no one will read it
4. show diversity
    - if you've done things other than design, show it
    - makes you well-rounded, interesting, and creative
    - starts a conversation in an interview
5. network
    - be nice, work hard
    - don't burn down bridges
    - respect your work and work ethics
    - go to events, take people out for coffee
    - it's a small industry

trick: if a Creative Director won't get you in for an interview, ask him/her to do a "portfolio review"


- touch screens
- airports - cars with glass boxes around them
- iPhone
- mobile will be the future
- every client wants an app for the iPhone
- skinning youtube and facebook pages
- cloud computering
    - PC
    - mini note
    - notebook
    - remote desktop
    - remote server
    - database
    - mobile
- Unity - a plugin to play cinema quality videos, 3D videos online
- typekit

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