Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall Tour by Oddly Studios

Last Thursday and Friday was the Fall Tour hosted by Oddly Studios. We had the chance to visit many interactive agencies that were located Toronto and grasp more information about the industry. Unfortunately everyone was divided into separate groups, so not everyone got to visit the agencies that they wanted.

Some of the few places that my group and I got to visit were:
  1. Organic Inc.
  2. Henderson Bas
  3. National Film Board
  4. Youth Employment Services
  5. Teehan + Lax
  6. Jam3Media
  7. SociMedia
  8. Sapient Nitro

Aside from visiting agencies, we also attended presentations with guest speakers who spoke about their agency and work.

Some presenters included:
  1. PixelDream
  2. Wideawake Entertainment
  3. Trapeze
  4. TBWA

A particular design agency that I found intriguing would be Jam3Media. They are a Toronto Flash interactive web agency that was started by three Sheridan students. When I visited their design studio, they had a very creative space and everyone who worked there seemed very friendly and nice. I felt that their work was very intriguing and they had a diverse group of cliental. I also liked their company website, which was made entirely out of flash.

Here is an outlook of their website:

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